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Tools and Supplies to Use Companion Planting to Deter Click Beetles
1 Garden Hoe
2 Hand Trowel
3 Pruning Shears
4 Garden Gloves
5 Hand Cultivator
6 Garden Sprayer
7 Planting Trowel
8 Garden Fork
9 Watering Can
10 Garden Rake

How to Use Companion Planting to Deter Click Beetles

Effective Ways to Keep Click Beetles Away with Companion Planting

Companion planting is a popular technique used by gardeners to improve the growth and health of their plants. One of the benefits of companion planting is that it can help deter pests and insects that can damage crops. Click beetles are a common pest that can be a nuisance to gardeners, but companion planting can help keep them at bay. In this article, we’ll go through a step-by-step guide on how to use companion planting to deter click beetles.

Step 1: Understand Click Beetles

Before we dive into companion planting, it’s important to understand what click beetles are and how they can damage your crops. Click beetles are small, black or brown insects that are known for their jumping ability. They are attracted to crops such as corn, soybeans, and potatoes, and can cause damage by feeding on the roots of the plants. This can lead to stunted growth and reduced yields.

Step 2: Choose Companion Plants

Companion planting involves planting certain plants together to help them grow and thrive. When it comes to deterring click beetles, there are several companion plants that can be effective. These include:

- Marigolds: Marigolds are known for their ability to repel insects, including click beetles. They can be planted around the perimeter of your garden or in between rows of crops.
- Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums are another plant that can help deter click beetles. They have a strong scent that can mask the scent of crops that click beetles are attracted to.
- Radishes: Radishes are a good companion plant for corn, as they can help deter pests such as click beetles. They can be planted in between rows of corn.

Step 3: Plant Companion Plants

Once you’ve chosen your companion plants, it’s time to plant them in your garden. Make sure to plant them in areas where they can provide the most benefit. For example, marigolds can be planted around the perimeter of your garden to create a barrier, while nasturtiums can be planted in between rows of crops.

Step 4: Maintain Your Garden

Companion planting is just one method of deterring click beetles. To ensure the health and growth of your crops, it’s important to maintain your garden by watering regularly, weeding, and monitoring for pests. If you notice any signs of click beetle damage, such as stunted growth or yellowing leaves, take action immediately to prevent further damage.

In conclusion, companion planting can be an effective way to deter click beetles and protect your crops. By choosing the right companion plants and planting them strategically, you can create a healthy and thriving garden. Remember to maintain your garden regularly to ensure the best results.

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